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Erik Staehle

Erik Staehle was born in Jacksonville, FL where he lived with his family for a brief year. Erik moved around frequently in his early years, with stints in New Jersey (where the majority of his family is from originally), Maryland, and Ohio. Erik attended Hudson High School (Hudson, OH) and went on to study at Ohio University in Athens, OH. While at OU, Erik pursued business marketing & management, and was a member and VP of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. Erik moved to Los Angeles after graduation and immediately started to pursue his career in talent representation. Erik has been an active member of the entertainment industry for nearly 6 years now, working at places such as: Mavrick Artists Agency Media Artists Group Agency for the Performing Arts (APA) David Shapira & Associates Pantheon Talent Group Erik is now a partner/founder and talent manager at Artist & Talent Management, located in Beverly Hills