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Linda McAlister
Agent - LA and Texas

Linda McAlister is Owner/Agent of Linda McAlister Talent LLC. Linda McAlister Talent LLC was established in 1994 and has offices in California and Texas. We are SAG/AFTRA Franchised. Represents professional Union and Non-Union talent for Film and TV in California. Represents professional Union and Non-Union talent for film, TV, commercials, industrials, voiceover, commercial print in Texas. Linda’s father, Carlton Mann, was a drive-in theater and in-door theater owner for over 50 yrs. Linda was one of the creators of the Texas Motion Picture Alliance, Texas’s grassroots voice to support moving image incentives.

Member of Dallas Producers Association (www.dallasproducers.org), Women In Film/Dallas (Proud recipient of Women In Film/Dallas 2006 Life Time Achievement, TAFTP. Member of Texas Motion Picture Alliance, (www.txmpa.org). We love our industry!!!

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