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Nita Brochu

Nita began her managing career in Florida with her own children, Chris, (TVD (Luke), Lemonade Mouth, Soul Surfer) Doug (Sonny with A Chance/SO RANDOM) and Kate (GLEE). Soon after they decided to come to LA she was managing all of her children's friends and decided to make it official and formed the company "New Beginnings Entertainment". Nita has enjoyed much success with great talent such as, Trinity Stokes who is on "KC under Cover". She also has other up and coming talent like Kayla Maisonet who you can see on Disney’s Dog with A Blog in the role of Lindsay.She also has had kids on the NICK show Sam & Cat, Bubble Guppies, iCarly, as well as other features and dramatic TV. Nita works with some great agencies such as Coast to Coast, CESD, WME, Osbrink, Clear Talent Group, BMG and Avalon.