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April Bartlett

April grew up in St. Louis, Missouri and went on to study Business and Management while raising her family. During that time, April and her husband Andy Gross, who is a former #1 racquetball champion and present day-magician and comedian for corporate shows, moved to Los Angeles where they founded and owned several businesses together. 

One day, when April stopped by her husband's sports agents in 2000, the youth department wanted to represent their toddler daughter and 10-year-old son. Before they knew it, the kids were booking lots of print advertisements and commercials. Soon after, both kids went on to book major feature films and popular television shows. They were also blessed to have the opportunity to film on location in places like Japan, Canada, and around America. April let her kids' team lead the way as she started to navigate through the entertainment industry, but, in doing so, she made a point to educate herself as she observed with a keen eye the types of key things that the agents were negotiating on her kids behalf, as well as also learning when to utilize publicist, lawyers, and how to track all earnings. In addition to the business side of things, April developed an interest for the arts and learned to hone in on talent and success. This ardor is what led April to want to start her own management company, and after 15+ years of being a part of her kid's successful careers, she decided to reach out to her current business partner, Stacy Carter, to form their management company, Bartlett Carter Talent Management. 

With their positive mindset and passion, Stacy and April hit the ground running and are very proud of the trajectory of their business over the past few years. Many of their clients have booked pilots, national commercials, major feature films, and lead character voices on some major network animated TV shows and feature films. Stacy and April pride themselves on being team players and look out for their talent like mama bears, because, at the end of the day, they always want the best for their clients. 

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