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Darci Warner

Darci Warner is a talent manager, award-winning screenwriter and award-winning producer. She wrote, produced and starred in the award winning TV pilot and DVD: “Darci Decorates: How to Cake Decorate” which held the #1 spot on Amazon in its category above Martha Stewart, Paula Dean and Rachel Ray. Darci created the DARCI DECORATES YouTube channel and her gamer channel WILDFLOWER GAMER MOM. She's been a gamer since pong! She has also been coding computers since the age of 12 when she wrote an airport ticket kiosk for her Barbies. Darci worked at Warner Bros Studios as an Sr. Internet Application Developer writing complex multi-tiered applications (websites) to take in box office information internationally.  Her analytical side meets her creative side making a unique tool-set for screenwriting and creative vision in production and placing talent.  She has written, produced and directed various projects including spec commercials, educational DVD, TV pilots and new media content.  Darci became a talent manager with Gregg Baker Management.  She opened her own Los Angeles management company as Darci Warner Management. 

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