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Terry Luce

Terry Luce has been in the entertainment business since 1988 where he first became a Member of the Screen Actors Guild and has received numerous film and theatre accolades.  Terry is an accomplished film writer and has found himself working the major film studios, with well known producers such as George Gallo (Bad Boys, Midnight Run, Twenty-Ninth Street) in Hollywood and working on “Analyze this”, Starring Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal.  The next project was a film about Jimmy Roselli, (Crooner) who competed against Frank Sinatra, as George and Terry were summoned to New Jersey to do research for this project by Touchstone Pictures. This Project also had John Travolta attached to it.  They also worked on projects from Universal-Jim Carey attached,  to Paramount along with several other Independent film companies.

During this time, Terry was also working on his own independent feature film projects,   recently he sold his Western: “A Hot Bath and A Stiff Drink.”  In development, “The Blue Crayon”-Dolphin Therapy for Neurologically disturbed children.  Also, Terry is a huge Elvis Presley fan and has seen him four times in person, “The King & Nye” a WHAT IF, Elvis were still alive today, a comedy-action picture.

Terry Luce also operates a successful Talent Management company  (Exclusive Talent Management) since 2001 and since 2004 a Member of the Talent Managers Assoc.  He’s been on the Board of Directors with this association and also Chaired,  Co-Chaired and Produced the yearly Talent Managers Assoc.  Award Event.  The TMA-Heller Award Event is an appreciation to the major Agents, Casting Directors, Producers and Directors in Hollywood.  In 2011 this year was quoted by many in the trade magazines as “one of the best produced events to date”.  As Terry Luce was quoted saying, “This event each year will grow larger and even better as our membership continues to grow in numbers.”

Terry’s objective at this time is to work with production companies to produce these projects that he has written along with his concept projects.  Continue to write, direct and to produce not only his projects, new projects and also other projects that he feels will move the audience and also bring awareness to major disabilities. Through- out the years Terry has also taken great interest in the Casting side of the business which brings a flavor to each and every character and  project,  and also one of the first to advocate for diversity not only in film projects but also Television productions.   His joy most of all comes from bringing large revenues to the production companies and as Terry takes great pride in, large returns for his Investors.

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